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Prince George Hot Tub Covers

You may not have known that Prince George lies in the middle of the province of British Columbia and is the largest city in Northern BC. But you probably do know that relaxing in a hot tub in Prince George (or anywhere else) is the best way to start or end your day.

If you have a home in Prince George with a hot tub, you know that a spa protected by an efficient hot tub cover provides increased cost savings in the long run. Efficient hot tub cover insulation equals lower hydro costs.

Click Here For Hot Tub Cover Prices

hot tub in Kelowna mountains

The sunrise over Prince George BC is always best enjoyed while sitting in a hot tub.

At Lillypad, we sell hot tub covers that are inexpensive, durable and efficient. Our replacement hot tub cover prices start at only $359. They say that 'variety is the spice of life' in Prince George, but no matter how you spend your day its good to know that at the end of it all your hot tub is ready for a long relaxing soak.

If you reside in Prince George and you need a new hot tub cover, maybe you've wondered if traveling to a major city in BC to 'get a good deal' is what you should be doing. Don't waste your gas and time when you'll probably even end up paying more than ordering online from Lillypad Cover Company.

Simply click on the HOME button on the right, and follow the easy measuring instructions. You'll have your new cover delivered to your door in Prince George BC in 10 to 14 days and we think you'll be pleasantly surprised at how inexpensive and easy it is to purchase a replacement hot tub cover online.

Prince George hockey players
Watching hockey is a popular Prince George hobby - and then sitting in a hot tub afterwards!

If you have any questions about shipping or delivery pleasegive us a call at 604-341-1012 or on our toll free line at 1-888-227-0004. We're standing by to deliver your replacement hot tub cover!



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BC Hot Tub Covers High Quality Replacement
Spa & Hot Tub Covers

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HOT TUB COVERS to BC Out Of Town Locations

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(604) 341-1012

Box 31516
Pitt Meadows, BC
Canada V3Y 2G7
Mailing Address Only

(604) 460-9415


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Lillypad Cover Company - hot tub covers